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B This blog is dedicated to flyfishing which is the most interesting fishing method.
I am living in the Russian Far East, love fishing and travel, flyfish since 1986.

Agnevo River (part 1)

Agnevo River is 66 km long. It is a mountainous stream, flowing into the Tatar Strait (Sea of Japan) on the west coast of the Sakhalin Island. Mid June is the best time to fish for fresh bright cherry salmon. This "6th species of Pacific salmon" is spawning in the rivers of Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Hokkaido, and in the streams of the Sea of Japan - from Korea to the Amur River mouth.

Alt-Sakhalin-Agnevo At the divide between the valleys of the Tym (Sea of Okhotsk) and Agnevo (Sea of Japan)

Alt-Sakhalin-Agnevo Abandoned Agnevo village in the middle part of the river

Alt-Sakhalin-Agnevo-benthos The bottom fauna has lots of large insects. Agnevo is a very prolific stream.

Alt-Sakhalin-Agnevo-benthos One more sample of the local benthos

Alt-Sakhalin-Agnevo-char Dwarf brook-resident Dolly Varden charr

Alt-Sakhalin-Agnevo Most of the river is shallow; the bottom structures are formed by boulders or bedrock


Alt-Sakhalin-Agnevo Cherry salmon of the same length is heavier than any other salmon species

Alt-Sakhalin-Agnevo-cherry salmon The fish is often ignoring spinning lures, and biting mostly little dark wet flies

Alt-Sakhalin-Agnevo-cherry salmon Cherry salmon parr spend from 1 to 3 years in fresh water. Smolts migrate downstream in the first part of summer. Both parr and smolts are eagerly biting different flies.

Alt-Sakhalin-Agnevo-cherry salmon Some cherry salmon holding water look suitable for Atlantic salmon or steelhead

Alt-Sakhalin-Agnevo In most places the river is easy to navigate, but in low water it is shallow

Alt-Sakhalin-Agnevo-cherry salmon Running cherry salmon will stop in deeper places with some current

Alt-Sakhalin-Agnevo Alexey wants to tie some more flies named Black Eger - they are the best for catching cherry salmon in low water

Alt-Sakhalin-Agnevo Siberian globeflower (Trollius asiaticus)

Alt-Sakhalin-Agnevo-lilies Yellow lilies at the rock

Alt-Sakhalin-Agnevo-kayak For floating we were using small inflatable kayaks

Alt-Sakhalin-Agnevo Short stop for fishing

Alt-Sakhalin-Agnevo-cherry salmon Here should be some running salmon – it is an excellent resting area!

Alt-Sakhalin-Agnevo The river has big gradient. It should be boiling here during the floods.

Alt-Sakhalin-Agnevo-canyon In the lower reaches the Agnevo River flows through rocky canyon