Tugur, June 2018
We have come to the Konin River on June 16. The water in the river is low which is good, but it is raising because of the rains. The weather forecast is bad - strong rains are coming. In the nearest days the river will stay fishable.
My first taimen of 2018 - small and pretty
This 130 cm, 22 kg fish was landed at the “Birch” pool. The fly: a palm-long Intruder in black and red colours.
A big fish at my friend’s line
Fish in a net
27 kg (59 pounds), 138 cm long fish. In the fall the taimen with such length is always heavier than 30 kg.
After 2 days of rain we’ve got a high flood
The water is a meter higher than a level when the fishing is possible.
We have to leave the camp and go home 10 days before it was scheduled. The taimen hunters know that this type of disaster not a rare occasion.